deanna fletcher

Cross Rhythms

Cross Rhythms is a community FM station of Stoke-on-Trent and Newcastle-Under-Lyme. Broadcasting is created for both a family audience and young professionals. Cross Rhythms also broadcasts online and broadcasted through Sky Digital until August 2006.

Clip (mp3): Breakfast Show and Audacious promo
Clip (mp3): Breakfast Show jingle
Clip (mp3): Breakfast show live interview
Clip (mp3): Cross Rhythms local news

Audacious Radio

Audacious Radio is a weekly FM and internet radio programme which broadcasts in co-oporation with Cross Rhythms. Audacious broadcasts every Thursday at 21:00 GMT and is available online as a stream cast.

Mal Fletcher’s Community Spots

Mal Fletcher’s Community Spots have been played regularly on radio stations around the world since 1994. Each Community spot is a 30 second life lesson, presenting positive responses to life problems and questions.

Clip (mp3): Mal Fletcher’s Community Spot

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